Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

Yasemin Soylu

Articles published in other international peer-reviewed journals

Soylu, Y., Karaca Salgamcioglu, B., Biyuk Oksuz, K. (2022) The Analysis of the School Factor in Industrial Design
Competitions: 2015-2020 İMMİB Competition Student Category Winners, Journal of Design Studio, V.4, N.2, pp 125-138.

Soylu, Y., Karaca Salgamcioglu, B., Biyuk Oksuz, K. (2022) The Analysis of the School Factor in Industrial DesignCompetitions: 2015-2020 İMMİB Competition Student Category Winners, Journal of Design Studio, V.4, N.2, pp 125-138.

Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu, B., Soylu, Y. and Sağın, E. (2022), Design Exploration for Medication Adherence of Elderly: A Conceptual Twist Using Affordances. Online Journal of Art and Design. Vol. 10, Iss. 2. (DAAI)

Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu, B., Soylu, Y. and Sağın, E. (2022), Design Exploration for Medication Adherence of Elderly: A Conceptual Twist Using Affordances. Online Journal of Art and Design. Vol. 10, Iss. 2. (DAAI)

Soylu, Y. and Er, Ö. (2016) On the horns of glocalization: A case study in the needlecraft industry –Coats Turkey, Craft Research 7:2, pp. 263-74, doi: 10.1386/crre.7.2.263_1. (DAAI)

Soylu, Y. and Er, Ö. (2016) On the horns of glocalization: A case study in the needlecraft industry –Coats Turkey, Craft Research 7:2, pp. 263-74, doi: 10.1386/crre.7.2.263_1. (DAAI)