Faculty Member, PhD

Enis Gümüş

+90 212 311 7825

Santralistanbul / E2-317


AAH 106 - Audio Culture

MUS 179 - MUS 180 - Thinking Music (I & II)

MUS 209 - MUS 210 - Musicianship  (I & II)

MUS 235 - MUS 236 - Introduction to Composition  (I & II)

MUS 221 - Critical Listening

MUS 242 - History and Philosophy of New Music

MUS 248 - Physics of Sound

MUS 261 - Arranging

MUS 316 - Composition Seminar

MUS 375 - Creative Workshop and Ensemble

MUS 387 - Creative Improvisation

MUS 393 - Composition Seminar II

MUS 420 - Turkish Music

MUS 440 - Special Topics in Music: Music Cognition

MUS 441-442 Senior Project