Ethics Board

Ethics Board approval is required for the acceptance of BAP projects covering any research with human participants or focuses on humans. If approval document is missing in project proposals requiring Ethics Board approval, project applications will not be taken into consideration.

Applications to Ethics Board are assessed in terms of health, security, human rights, legislation, general principles of the law and ethics.

Ethics Board does not assess applications of pharmaceutical researches.

Ethics Board comprised of minimum five (5) faculty members, one of them is from Faculty of Law, to be charged by University Executive Board.

Ethics Board Members:

  • Mehmet Bedii Kaya, Faculty Member PhD (Ethics Board President)
  • Prof. Itır Erhart (Member)
  • Ster Irmak Sav, Prof. (Member)
  • Mahmut Elbistan, Faculty Member, PhD (Member)
  • Yağmur Nuhrat,  (Member)

If your BAP project proposal includes researches requiring Ethics Board approval, you should fill the related forms and send them to

İstanbul Bilgi University Ethics Board convenes in the third week of each month. The applications that are made after this date are put on the agenda of the next month. You are advised to make your application as early as possible in order to avoid any delays.