
Hale Bolak

+90 212 311 7615

Santralistanbul / E2 206

PhD, University of California Santa Cruz (USA), Gender & Cross Cultural Psychology, 1990
MA, University of California Santa Cruz (USA), Social & Developmental Psychology, 1983
BA, Boğaziçi University, Psychology, 1977


Prof. Hale Bolak Boratav received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Boğaziçi University and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of California Santa Cruz. Since 1998, she has been with the Psychology Department at İstanbul Bilgi University and has been the department chair for many years. 


Professor Boratav teaches courses in social psychology (PSY 201 & 202), gender and sexuality (PSY 341), and health psychology (PSY 484). 

Areas of Interest

Professor Boratav’s academic research and teaching have been primarily on gender, sexuality, and values in the context of culture, social psychology, and health psychology. Her research has been published as national and international book chapters, as well as articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Gender and Society, Sex Roles, Archives of Sexual Behavior, and Feminism & Psychology. 

Rewards and Achievements

In 2021, Prof. Boratav received the Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Kağıtçbaşı lifetime achievement award in Social Psychology. Currently, she is the president of the Istanbul Branch of the Turkish Psychological Association and serves on the editorial boards of several national and international jouırnals.