The musical work of Fulya Uçanok from BİLGİ Music Department selected to Ai-Maako International Electroacustic Music Festival.

The electroacoustic work called “Assembly” of Fulya Uçanok (Research Assistant of our University’s Music Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities) has been selected to be presented at Ai-Maako International Electroacustic Music Festival on October 10-20, 2019 in Chile.
Assembly (2017) Acusmática:
Assembly is a piece that is inspired by socio-musical utopia. It opens up with short gestures of glitches, and silences that are treated as “organisms”. These individual “sound organisms” slowly accumulate throughout the piece, grow and swell boisterously uniting within the realm of “Noise”.
Fulya Uçanok:
Fulya Uçanok is an Istanbul-based pianist, electroacoustic composer and improviser. Born in Turkey, she studied classical piano at Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory and completed her master’s degree in Istanbul Technical University, Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM). Afterwards she went to Indonesia/Bali to study gamelan with the Indonesian Government scholarship Darmasiswa. During her one and a half year stay, she studied Balinese “Gender Wayang” musical tradition, focusing on socio-musical relations. Upon her return, she began her doctoral studies at İTÜ MİAM Sonic Arts Department focusing on electroacoustic music composition and performance. Her current interests include, accessibility without popularization, mechanisms of mediation, in-between-ness, pluralism, and non-power within the medium of electroacoustic music aesthetics, composition and performance practices. She is a member of “ impro”, an ensemble consisted musicians interested in free improvisation and interdisciplinary works. Uçanok, is currently a PhD candidate in Sonic Arts department in İTÜ MİAM, and a research assistant at İstanbul Bilgi University music department.