Assoc. Prof.
Başak Uçanok Tan
PhD in Organizational Behavior, Marmara University, 2008 MSc in International Management, University of Northampton, 2003 BA in Business Administration, Başkent University, 2001
1.Key areas of Study:
Organizational behavior, cross-cultural management, organizational psychology
2. Academic Work
- Uçanok, B. and Karabatı, S. (2012). The effects of values, work centrality, and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behaviors: Evidence from Turkish SMEs. Human Resource Development Quarterly. In press.
- Uçanok, B. (2011). Understanding the importance of work: the effects of work values and work-value congruence, European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, Vol. 2 (1) pp. 32-44.
- Uçanok, B. (2011). The Effects of Work Alienation in the Relationship Between Work Values, Materialism and Organizational Commitment, Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Conference Proceedings 2011, pp. 360-376.
- Uçanok, B. (2010). Understanding of Work Ethic in Turkey: Focus on the Effects of Locus of Control and Religious Orientation, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Vol. 5 (4). pp.93-106
- Uçanok, B., Sudagezer, E. and Sefercioglu, S. (2010). The Effects of Political Discourse on Voting Behavior of Turkish Constituency, Marmara İletişim Dergisi, January, 2010, (16), pp. 145-162.
- Uçanok, B. (2009). The Effects of Work Values, Work-Value Congruence and Work Centrality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, International Journal of Behavioral, Cognitive, Educational and Psychological Sciences, 1(1), pp. 1-14.
- Uçanok, B., Bakanay, H. and Milli, E. (2008). The Effects of Internal Communication and Organizational Commitment on Person-Organization Fit and Culture Conflict during Mergers and Acquisitions, Marmara İletişim Dergisi, July, 2008, (13), pp. 233-249.
- Uçanok, B. (2007). Predicting Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: The Effects of Work Goals, Work Centrality and Person-Job Fit, Conference Proceedings : 7th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP) /1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology (APCWOP), Adelaide - South Australia.
- Uçanok, B. and Karabatı, S. (2007). Facets of Religious Orientation in Turkey, Conference Proceedings: The 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii.