
Burak Özçetin

+90 212 311 7277

Santralistanbul / E4-114

Özçetin is Professor of Communication at Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of New Media. He received his BA from Middle East Technical University, Department of International Relations, and his master's and doctoral degrees from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. He was a visiting researcher at the New School for Social Research Department of Political Science (New York) in 2006-2007 with a Fulbright Scholarship.

Özçetin’s basic areas of interest are communication theories, political communication, Ottoman-Turkish political life, cultural studies, political and social theory. Özçetin's book, Mass Communication Theories: Concepts, Schools, Models, which systematically deals with the theories of mass communication, was published by İletişim Yayınları in 2018 (5th Edition 2022). He is working on a book on political communication theories and the course of political communication in Turkey.

Latest publications: 

  • Officialising Neo-Ottomanism in Turkey: Directorate of Communications’ Historical Propaganda Videos”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies [SSCI]
  • “International Migration and the NGOs Working in the Field of Migration in Turkey”International Migration. [SSCI]    
  • Issue co-editor (w. Asu Aksoy), Reflektif Journal of Social Sciences, 4(3), “Culture as a Possibility Space”, 2023.
  • “What’s in a name? Defining communication and communication theory”European Journal of Communication, 38(8), June 2023. [SSCI]
  • “Mediatization and (Ab)use of History in the Age of Convergence”, ed. T. Filibeli, Mapping (in)nocent lies in the digital information sphere: Causes and consequences Routledge, 2023.
  • “Sen Abdülhamit’i savundun!”: medyatikleşme, yakınsama ve tarihin kötüye kullanımları”, ed. Y. İnceoğlu, Popülizm ve Medya, Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2023.
  • “Bireyin ve özerkliğin tasfiyesine bir ağıt: Adorno’nun düşüncesinde kapitalizm ve demokrasi ilişkisi” (A requem for the liquidation of the individual and autonomy: The relationship between capitalism and democracy in Adorno's thought), eds. Can Cemgil, Ömer Turan, Kapitalizm ve Demokrasi, Metis Yayınları, 2023.
  • "Football Fans, Social Movements and Contentious Politics: Cairo and Istanbul", The Political Football Stadium, eds. A. Sonntag, B.Alpan, Palgrave, 2023, with Ömer Turan.
  • Kitle İletişim Kuramları: Kavramlar, Okullar, Modeller (Mass Communication Theories: Concepts, Schools, Models), 5th Imprint, İletişim Yayınları, 2022.
  • “Les mutations du paysage audiovisuel”, Les écrans turcophones, eds. K. Feigelson and M. Oztürk, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2022.
  • “Studying Islam and the (new)-media: Challenging essentialism and orientalism”, European Journal of Communication, 36(6), 2021.
  • “Britanya Kültürel İncelemeler Okulu”, (British Cultural Studies) der. Ö. Özer, Eleştirel İletişim Kuramları, Siyasal Kitabevi, 2021.
  • “Medyatikleşme ve Gösteri Çağında Siyasal İletişim: Yeni mecralar, yeni aktörler, yeni kurallar” (Political Communication in the Age of Mediatization and Spectacularization) eds. İ. Özdemir and Ç. Y. Ünlü, Siyasal İletişim (Political Communication), Siyasal Kitabevi, 2021.
  • “Long Time Allies No More? How News Media in Turkey Covered the USA in 2019”, Global Perceptions of the United States: The Trump Effect, der. Y. Kamalipour, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021, B. Akdenizli ile.
  • “Populism and Media in Turkey: Partners in Crime”, Information Nightmare: Manipulation, Fake News and Posttruth Politics, der. T. E. Erbaysal-Filibeli, Peter Lang: Berg, 2020.
  • “‘The Show of the People’ Against the Cultural Elites: Populism, Media and Popular Culture in Turkey”, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 22(5-6) 942–957, 2019.
  • “Religion on Air: The Birth and Transformation of Religious Broadcasting in Turkey”, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, vol. 12, no. 2, September 2019.   


Areas of Interest

Communication theories, sociology of communication, media consumption, political and social theory, cultural studies, political communication, political and cultural life in Turkey