
İdil Işık

Presentation - Conference


Yokluk Hipotezi Anlamlılık Testi ve Etki Büyüklüğü Tartışmalarının Psikoloji Araştırmalarına Yansımaları

Be Careful Where You Smile: Culture Shapes Judgments of Intelligence and Honesty of Smiling Individuals

Catching up with wonderful women: The women-are-wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societies. 

Örgüt Kuramı Derslerinin Yapısal Analizi

Training Need Analysis in the Organizations: An Assessment in Terms of Data Collection Methods --- Organizasyonlarda Eğitim İhtiyaç Analizi: Veri Toplama Yöntemleri Açısından Değerlendirme

Being trainer in civil society: The motivational effect of trainers’ individual characteristics and structural job characteristics of training projects --- Sivil toplum alanında eğitmenlik: Eğitimci motivasyonunu etkileyen bireysel özellikler ve eğitim projelerinin yapısal iş özellikleri

Are you ready for the global change? Multicultural personality and readiness for organizational change?

Bir Dünya Sirketinin Türkiye’deki Çalısanlarına Göre Çesitliliklerin Yönetimi: Gömülü Kuram Analiziyle Modelleme


Cinsiyet ve Deneyim Kalıp Yargılarının Trafikteki Sürücü Hatalarının Algılanışı Üzerindeki Etkileri- The Effect of Gender and Experience Stereotypes on the Perception of Driving Errors in Traffic

İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Profesyonellerinin İş Ortamındaki Zorbalık Davranışlarına Dair Perspektifleri: Zorbalığın Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Sonuçları - HRM Professionals’ Perspectives on Bullying Behaviors at Work Settings: Definition, Antecedents and Consequences of Workplace Bullying


Engelli Bireylere Yönelik Fiziksel-Cinsel Şiddet, İstismar ve Kötü Muamele Olayları İzleme Raporu 2016

Psikoloji Alanında Uzmanlık Yönelimleri, Değerler, ve Kariyer Motivasyonu

Değerlendirme Merkezi Standartları Rehberi

Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisinin Kapsamı

Öz-Yeterlilik Inançları ve Sosyal Bilissel Teorinin Örgütsel Uygulamaları

Organizations and Exposure to Trauma at a Collective Level: The Taxonomy of Potentially Traumatic Events

Organizational trauma is a contemporary construct that highlights long-lasting negative psychological consequences of various internal and external events that overwhelm the capacity of people in organizational settings. This chapter proposes that a typology of “potentially traumatic events” (PTEs) and the taxonomy of these events' attributes can be developed by conducting a comprehensive literature review. The search of databases for the period of 1995-2016 revealed 81 articles on which inductive qualitative content analysis was conducted. Analysis brought three PTEs: “events resulting from organizational processes”; “adverse experiences in trauma-prone occupations/sectors”, and “catastrophic events caused by economic/social/environmental conditions”. These events' attributes appeared distinctive under three themes: “features of traumatic events”;“human behaviours”;“internal and external organizational environment”. As the final step, the proposed taxonomy was applied to real traumatic business cases happened in 2015 and early 2016 so that the taxonomic model was tested.

Organizations and Exposure to Trauma at a Collective Level: The Taxonomy of Potentially Traumatic Events

Sexual Identities in the Workplace: Avoiding Organizational Trauma When Disclosure Occurs – Current Perspectives

The global progression of human rights advocating for marginalized communities, especially LGBTQ, has seen tremendous change over the past several decades, including the conditions for disclosure of sexual identity in the workplace. The decision-making process of disclosure and the necessity for others to know is key to understanding how best to support and address the potential organizational trauma that may result. Not all disclosure of minority identity is negative and the availability of positive policy development within organizations can assist in smooth transitions toward more equal inclusion and dispel previous heteronormative and heterosexist ideologies. Through increased knowledge about the LGBTQ community and case analysis, a cross cultural lens will be utilized from Brazil, Turkey and the U.S.; prominent sexual identity disclosure perspectives for numerous occupations, as well as recommendations for systemic awareness and change will be offered.

Sexual Identities in the Workplace: Avoiding Organizational Trauma When Disclosure Occurs – Current Perspectives

Full-text proceedings

ÖRGÜT KURAMI DERSLERĠNĠN YAPISAL ANALĠZĠ: “Örgüt Kuramı” Derslerinin Bir Sistem Olarak Analizi ve Öğretim Yöntemlerine Dair Değerlendirmeler

Conference presentations

Evaluating and modeling safety culture


İnsan mı? Sermaye mi? : Türkiye’de İnsan Kaynağı Kavramının Evrimine Dair Nitel Bir Araştırma- Human or Human Capital? A qualitative research on the evolution of human resources as a construct

Örgütlerde Bireysel ve Kolektif Travmaya Neden Olan Olayların Taksonomisi - The taxonomy of events causing individual and collective trauma in organizations

İş Ortamında Engelli Çalışanlarla İlk Karşılaşma Deneyimi ve Birlikte Çalışma Yaşantısının Engelli Çalışanın Algılanışına Etkileri: Yorumlayıcı Fenemenolojik Analiz Yönetimi ile İnceleme

Güçlendiren Lider Davranışları Çalışanın Psikolojik Ve Yapısal Güçlendirilmesini Nasıl Etkiliyor?

Protective Psychological Health Practices for Businesses and Roles of Occupational Psychologists-- İş Yeri Psikologlarının Koruyucu Psikolojik Sağlık Çalışmalarındaki Rolleri

Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikologlarının İş ve Meslek Danışmalığı Alanındaki Rolleri ve Kariyer Yönelimleri

Algılanan Gruplar Arası Farklılaşma ile Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Arasındaki İlişki: Bir Nitel İçerik Analizi Uygulaması

Integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces - EAWOP - European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology

Integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces 22.10.2016 . EAWOP special call “Contributions to the integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces”.

EFPA14.2 Employability of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Interpretative Phenomenological Approach Study


Turkey is the host country for Syrian refugees that necessitates understanding their integration from I/O psychology perspective. The EAWOP funded project let us to see issues that on one edge help the survival of potential Syrian workforce (e.g., free health services/financial support/public relief from state/NGOs), but on another edge create threat for occupational identity, career development, and job security. This talk will review the first phase in our qualitative project [interviews with 10 refugees who work unofficially in Istanbul; all male; mean age= 31.3; sd=10.81, min.=19, max.=53; those who quit undergraduate education (n=3); less than 12 years of formal education (n=3); graduates of physiotherapy (n=2), theology (n=1), and economy (n=1)]. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used as analytical technique to make sense of individual experiences of refugees. Analysis by MAXQDA 12 emerged these themes: plans to settle down in Turkey/considering it as a temporary station on the destination; personal readiness level to move from home country (e.g., transfer of savings, purchase of estate in Turkey, entrepreneurial initiatives, networking with Syrian community in Turkey); aim to stay away from home country temporarily/no plan to return; feeling happy in Muslim country; speaking Turkish and/or English; availability of temporary ID by Turkish state; skill variety for job openings. This speech will elaborate how these themes shape refugees' employability in Turkey.

EFPA14.2 Employability of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Interpretative Phenomenological Approach Study