Psychological Counseling Unit Seminar: Relationships

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Speaker: Reyan Kanyas Bencuya (Clinical Psychologist)
Date: March 25, 2013 Monday 
Time: 10:00-12:00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E2-103

Have you ever thought that in the casual communications of daily life, the patterns of decades of experience are influencing the situation rather than the conscious preferences of the individual? 

In our relationships we may find ourselves in the same cycle by acting in a certain way that causes same reactions from the others. 

It is as if we adopt some roles in our lives and same play is on stage again and again such as; power games, rivalry games, marriage games etc. 

To realize your own game and its function and get free of your personal dramas would you like to take a step? 

“Relationships” seminar is intended for the staff of İstanbul Bilgi University and all the staff members are invited to the seminar. It is aimed to invite the participants to think on their relating dynamics and increase their awareness about the subject. 

This seminar is prepared by the mutual contribution of BİLGİ Human Resources and BİLGİ Psychological Counseling Unit. 

Click for the Application Form of the seminar.

 For detailed information: 0212 311 76 74 /