Comparative and International Secured Transactions Law Certificate Program

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Date: April 6-11, 2015
Time: 17.00-21.00 
Place:  Dolapdere Campus, Board of Trustees Meeting Room

Lecturer: Dr. N. Orkun Akseli (Durham University UK)

İstanbul Bilgi University organizes a certificate program in English with the aim of imparting a critical analytical understanding of the general principles of the Law of Secured Transactions with emphasis on their application to particular transactions. The focus in the seminars will be on international instruments aiming to modernise the law of secured transactions mainly the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions. Comparisons with English, US (UCC Article 9) and Turkish laws will also be made. The course does not intend to present a comprehensive overview of the Secured Transactions Law of any particular jurisdiction, nor does it constitute a self-contained introduction to secured transactions law.

It is expected that participants will gain an appreciation of the general principles on which international instruments on secured transactions are built upon as well as an understanding of the evolving dynamic of the subject. Secured Transactions Law involves a number of competing interests that have to be accommodated. These are the interests of the debtor, secured creditor and third parties. These competing interests include the autonomy of the parties; predictability versus flexibility; facilitation of the market exchange; the protection of contractual rights versus the interests of third parties.

The course will be of interest to banking and finance lawyers, commercial and corporate lawyers as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students who are interested in a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of current issues of secured transactions law, and an assessment and interpretation of Turkish secured transactions law in a global context.

The courses will be held on 6-7-8-9-10 April 2015 from 5 pm to 9 pm and on 11 April from 9 am to 1 pm.
Participants attending 24 hours of the program will receive a certificate.

Contact: Gözde Kasap / (212) 311 5319 /

Participation fee: 750 TL  / for students not enrolled in LAW 324 and trainee lawyers 250 TL.

Participation is only possible upon registration.

Deadline for registration: April 3, 2015

Bilgi Eğitim: / (212) 311 7216 /