2021-2022 Erasmus+ World Study Mobility Placement Results

updated at: published at:

Dear Students,

We kindly ask you to red every instruction carefully.

We congratulate all students who are selected eligible!

The budget for the 2021-2022 academic year Erasmus+ World Study Mobility program has been announced to our university by the Turkish National Agency. The budget that will be allocated has been decided on 09.03.2021 by the  İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Erasmus Comission.

CLICK HERE to see the 2021-2022 Erasmus+ World Study Mobility Placement results!

  • All students listed as SUCCEED WITH FULL ERASMUS+ GRANT will be allocated with Erasmus+ grant for their whole period of study at the host university.
  • Students who would like to cancel their Erasmus+ mobilities must fill in and sign the petition on the LINK and send it to erasmus@bilgi.edu.tr until 09.04.2021.

IMPORTANT: Students who send their cancellation petitions after this date will get -10 points reduced from their next Erasmus+ application.

Necessary procedures and orientation about the Erasmus+ World Study program will be announced shortly.

Students who have any objection to the announced list must send their objection in a petition form to erasmus@bilgi.edu.tr until 18.03.2021. The objections will be evaluated and the announcement will be updated.

Best regards,

Erasmus Office