The animated film “Boğazname” created by BİLGİ Interior Architecture graduates Edanur Köşeli, Melani Kuruğoğlu and Zeynep Kaçar received an award from the Archishorts Film Competition

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The animated film “Boğazname”, which was brought to life by BİLGİ Interior Architecture Department graduates Edanur Köşeli, Melani Kuruğoğlu and Zeynep Kaçar, received an award at the Archishorts Film Competition that was organized by a+dff, the architecture and design film festival, in Canada.

Köşeli, Kuruğoğlu and Kaçar created the “Boğazname” film as part of their senior year “Public Interiors” studio class during the 2018 -2019 academic year under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Nihal Bursa and Assoc. Prof. Işıl Çokuğraş. As part of their studio project, Köşeli, Kuruğoğlu and Kaçar chose specific spots on the shores of the Bosporus to study the use of the shore, the lifestyles present in those areas and the relationship between people and water, and in doing so they were influenced by the traditional miniature technique to take the viewer on a tour along the Bosporus.

In addition to the award received by Turkey, 8 other short films from Canada, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Spain and India received an award at the Archishorts Film Competition.
