2022-2023 Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility Placement Results

updated at: published at:

Dear Students,

We would like to congratulate who applied and who are selected eligible!

UPDATE ON 13.04.2022: You can see the placement results of Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility program for the 2022-2023 academic year after the objection period BY CLICKING HERE.

All applications completed correctly and before the deadline with the signed application form have been evaluated. Students who submitted the correct documents have been placed from high to low based on their Erasmus score, which is calculated with 50% of the GPA and 50% of the language score, considering the university preference order and university quotas.

The Erasmus Office has been awarded with 303.850 Euros of grant amount in our 2021 budget for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility. According to the budget, to get the maximum number of granted students, the first 173 students will be PARTIALLY GRANTED based on the Erasmus score, highest to lowest. 

Students who are eligible to receive grant are highlighted with green, students who are not eligible to receive a grant (but eligible to participate in the Erasmus program) are highlighted with blue.

The granting method will be as:

  • Students who are listed for only fall lor only spring semester will be able to receive maximum 3 months X 450 euros or 3 months X 600 Euros, depending on the country’s grant category
  • Students who receive a letter of acceptance which has shorter duration of education than these durations, will receive grants for their education period. (Even the student does not physically stay for 90 days, it is mandatory to receive education for minimum 90 days)


If any student who is selected eligible for grant would like to cancel their Erasmus+ eligibility, the grant would be given to the student next on the list. In this case, the student will be informed by our office by email directly.

Students who are not listed in the first 173 and listed as Succeed may participate in the program without receiving any grant.

Our university will apply to the Turkish National Agency for additional grant. If our request gets approved, students will be informed about receiving grant.

Students who submitted correct applications but could not be placed to a university due to the university quotas are listed as Substitute to the first possible university preference. If any eligible student cancels their mobilities, the substitutes will be contacted by email.


Students who submitted applications in these criterias could not get selected eligible:

  • Students who did not submit the correct language document form despite the explanations on our application call + e-mail reminder (such as submitting the language document without the score out of 100)
  • Students who uploaded different type of language document than the language score they entered to the online platform (for example, if you entered a score for IELTS but submitted a document for LEVEL5AT)
  • Students who submitted a language score lower than the average point
  • Students who applied with a language document which was not listed on the application call
  • Students who owned a lower GPA than announced minimum
  • Students who are not eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ study mobility program according to the official Board Member decision of the School of Graduate Programs


Students who would like to cancel must submit their cancellation petition on our website until May 1st, 2022 to erasmus@bilgi.edu.tr If any cancellation petitions receive after this date, -10 points will be reduced from the students’ next Erasmus application.

If students would like to cancel due to COVID-19 or due to the partner university, they should contact our office for the details.

All information will be sent to your BILGI emails so it is advised that you check your BILGI emails frequently.

We will hold an orientation meeting to give you detailed information about what is next on April 5th, 2022 at 14:30 (2:30pm Turkish time) online via Zoom.


If you have any documents you need to complete for the partner university before our orientation, you may contact us.


If you would like to submit any objections about your results, you may send your objection petition to erasmus@bilgi.edu.tr until March 30th, 2022. Objections will be evaluated and students will be contacted regarding their results. Therefore, grant allocations or students' university placements may change after objections.


We wish you a good day and a good journey!

Erasmus Office