BİLGİ Human Rights Law Research Center’s project titled ‘CEDAW Literacy for Legal Professionals’ was entitled to receive a grant from İstanbul Consulate of Federal Republic of Germany

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The project of BİLGİ Human Rights Law Research Center ‘United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Literacy for Legal Professionals’ presented to İstanbul Consulate of Federal Republic of Germany has been entitled to receive a grant of 31,791 Euro.

The project aims to expand the awareness of legal professionals, women’s associations, and other related parties with regard to gender equality, prohibition of violence against women, international standards regarding women’s human rights, international monitoring mechanisms and individual application mechanism, and interpretation and implementation of CEDAW Convention and to develop and strengthen their capacities in these regards.

In the project, Director of Human Rights Law Research Center Prof. Turgut Tarhanlı will serve as the project executor and Senior Researcher Sevinç Eryılmaz Sevengör and Expert Researcher Gökçeçiçek Ayata will serve as project coordinators.