Application for New Passes (İETT Travel Discount Card)
Students who have been registered in 2011-2012 academic year or who have not applied for Travel Discount Card though they were registered before must make a “New Pass Application” in order to have a Travel Discount Card.
You must check whether your application has been approved until 17:00 on Monday 28, November 2011. If you do not see “Processing” on the webpage, you must contact Kuştepe Campus Student Financial Affairs (Z Floor, Z22) with your receipt.
Request for passes and payment must be made on the same day.
Payments made at ATMs or EFT/transfers from other banks to Garanti or applications without student number, name and surname will be considered invalid.
Amount to be paid: 10,00 TL.
Bank account: GARANTİ BANK Çağlayan Branch (Branch Code: 403)
Account number: 6201302, İstanbul Bilgi University, IBAN NO: TR20 0006 2000 4030 0006 2013 02
According to the statement of İETT, travel discount cards received from previous educational institutions are valid until the end of December. İETT is notified of graduate and drop-out students, therefore their passes are also valid until the end of December.
Note: İETT asks for lists of “Graduate” and “Drop-Out” students from educational institutions every year. If their names are indicated on these lists, students who were first registered in 2011 or who have not applied for a pass before must make a new application as their passes received from institutions other than İstanbul Bilgi University will be considered invalid.