2016 Yearbook

updated at: published at:

To the attention of 2016 graduates,

Yearbook Articles:
Please send your articles for the 2015-16 Yearbook to to yillik2016@bilgiedu.net until April 15, 2016.  In order for the yearbooks to be distributed at the graduation ceremony, articles must be delivered in due time. Please write your student ID number, name, surname, and faculty or department in order to avoid any confusion.

All articles must be written in Microsoft Word and use the font of Times New Roman and the font size of 12. The word limit for the articles is 800 words. All the articles that will be on your yearbook page should be in the same Microsoft Word document and sent to the email address given above. Students that do not send in their pages will not be in the yearbook.

Photo Shoot: 
The photo shoots with cap and gown will take place between March 14- April 19, 2016 at santralistanbul Campus (in the tent to be pitched between the E1 and E2). Our students who will create a page in the Yearbook or who will have their photos taken only are required to make an appointment by calling Zümrüt Photography.
Bayram Köse: 549-601 00 97
Mehmet Çağnis: 533-421 98 56

For detailed information: Student Support Center 0212 311 6339