Scrutinizing American Presidential Elections: Campaign Process, Elections and Consequences

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Date: December 1, 2016
Time: 14.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, Energy Museum-Seminar Room

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erdoğan (İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations)
Soli Özel (Kadir Has University, Department of Political Science)
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Sabri Sayarı (Sabancı University, Department of International Relations)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Tuğtan (İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations)
Emeritus Prof. Dr. İlter Turan (İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations)

The panel is organized by İstanbul Bilgi University Department of International Relations.

Donald Trump’s victory in the American presidential elections held on November 8, 2016 led to a great deal of debates ranging from the rise of the anti-immigrant far right to populism, from the implications of the global economic crises to the transformation of the class structures. The presidential elections in terms of its causes, processes and the repercussions will be discussed in this panel.