"Children Have a Say" Project

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"Söz Küçüğün" (Children Have a Say) is a collobarative project of İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Media and Children Studies Unit in corporation with Agos Newspapers, Bianet, Sulukule Volunteers Organization, Özel Karagözyan Armenian School, and Tarlabaşı Community Center. The aim of the project is to enhance the presence and voice of children in media through active participation in news making and media production process. The project involves participating children of different institutions, including Tarlabaşı Community Center, Sulukule Volunteers Association, and Private Karagözyan Armenian School. The teams of media students and volunteer educators of Children Studies Unit facilitate chilren to talk about their concerns, and priorities and create their own news.

For further information please visit: http://c-lab.bilgi.edu.tr/portfolio/soz-kucugun/