santralistanbul Renewal of In-Campus Car Park Subscriptions

updated at: published at:

Dear students,

Our undergraduate students whose in-campus car park subscripitons of santralistanbul Campus are already active, their subscriptions period will be extended free of charge by the end of 3 March 2018.

Our undergraduate students on santralistanbul Campus who choose to renew their subscriptions for the period 3 March-3 July 2018 should e-mail their renewal request to until 15.00, on 22 February 2018, using their BİLGİ student mail account ( and stating their name, student number*, department and the vehicle registration plate*.

Students who have applied for subscription renewal of santralistanbul in-campus car park for the period March-3 July 3, 2018, will be informed by SMS message.

Although the drawing lot date was announced as Monday February 26, it has been changed as Tuesday February 27, due to the reasons arroused from the contracted notary.

Students who will be entitled to renew their subscriptions will be determined on Monday, 27 February 2018 at 11.00, by drawing lots in the presence of a public notary at santralistanbul Campus (E3-101) which will also be open to students.

On 27 February at 18.00, the names of the 750 students on the primary list and the names of the 250 students on the secondary list and also those who could not won in the drawings will be notified by SMS and e-mail.  

Students on the primary list should pay their subscription renewal fees to the payment office until 17.00 on 3 March 2018. If students on the primary list do not apply for renewal, students on the secondary list will become entitled to renew their subscriptions, following the order determined during the lot-drawing. Students on the secondary list will be notified by e-mail and through the call center on 5 March 2018. They will be asked to complete the renewal process until 17.00 on 9 March 2018.

We would like to remind you that the lot-drawing will be open only to those students whose department is on santralistanbul Campus and who have already enrolled in courses, and that a four-month subscription fee will be payable for subscriptions between 3 March-3 July 2018.

İstanbul Bilgi University

* Since the lot-drawing will be attended by a public notary, the names and student numbers of those students who send an e-mail for participating in the drawing will be disclosed to the public notary in question, and a list containing student names will be published on, to ensure transparency of the lot-drawing process. In case of multiple applications with the same vehicle registration plate, the validity of applications shall be checked following the drawing using vehicle registration information.