Students of Fashion Design and Interior Design Departments of BİLGİ deliver their NABA theses.

Senior students of the Departments of Fashion Design and Interior Design at İstanbul Bilgi University delivered their theses to the committees of NABA (Nuova Accademia di Bella Arti), one of the leading schools of Milan, and İstanbul Bilgi University.
The students delivered their theses written during their studies at Italy to the jury on 9 April 2018, and were found to be successful, and thus became entitled to receive also NABA diploma.
The projects “Toxiphobia” of İklim Zeynep Kasarcı, “Co-Working LAB” of Elif Doğan, and "Modiffuse" of Çağla Şaşmaz and Merve Başot were evaluated by Prof. Guido Tattoni, Prof. Claudio Larcher, Prof. Colomba Leddi, Prof. Carla Addonizio and Prof. Alessandro Manzi, comprising the NABA committee. In addition, Faculty Member Phd. Gülşen Bal, Faculty Member Phd. İdil Karababa, Faculty Member Phd. Işıl Çokuğraş and Assoc. Prof. Can Altay, members of faculty at İstanbul Bilgi University, accompanied the jury during the evaluation procedure.