2016-2017 Academic Year Exchange Programs English Language Proficiency Exam Results

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Please click here for the the results of the English Language Proficiency Exam for the applicants of 2016-2017 Academic Year Exchange Programs.

As it is stated in our website application page, students who have a score of 55 points and above are considered to be successful. Students with a score of between 50 to 54 points may be placed to a university in which the language of instruction is other than English, such as German or French. These students required to bring an acceptable “Language Proficiency Document” that shows that the students is proficient at the level of the language which the accepting university requires, as per the information stated in our website for that university. Or, provide the high school diploma where the high school’s language of instruction is the same as the university which the student would like attend, no later than March 21th, 2016 at 17:00.

Regarding the students who did not attend the exam, no excuses will be accepted other than the ones that are proved with an acceptable document (such as a full-fledged hospital health report, military service report, etc.). A report that is not approved by the Medical Director will not be accepted. Evaluation of the students who did not attend the exam, will be in accordance to the Article 30 of the Credit Bachelor and Pre-Bachelor Program Exam Regulations of İstanbul Bilgi University. Article 30 can be reached here. Therefore students should submit their medical reports until March 21,2016 at 12:00.


Placement results will be announced on April 4,2016 in our website and announcement e-mail will be sent to your bilgiedu.net e-mail adreesses. All students are responsible for following the announcements made by the International Center/Erasmus Office, calendar dates for the activities and their own missing documents, if any. Please click here for the 2016-2017 Academic Year Erasmus Calender.

Any objections to the results of English Language Proficiency Exam, can be submitted to Kuştepe Campus New Building Office No: 515  or can be sent via e-mail to Sema Şimşek (sema.simsek@bilgi.edu.tr)  and Burcu Karataş  (burcu.karatas@bilgi.edu.tr)  at the English Language Programs Department in the Kustepe Campus, until March 23th, 2016, 17:00 hours. Click here in order to find a sample letter for objection.