The group including BİLGİSports student Onat Karabıçak became 1st in the Sports International Contest.

Sports International was held on 26-30 November 2018 The Hague University in Den Haag, The Netherlands. The group that İstanbul Bilgi University Sports Management Department student Onat Karabıçak participated ranked as first in the competition.
In addition to our university students, 40 students from the United States, Finland and the Netherlands participated in the competition. Students looked for solutions to various managerial problems encountered in the modern sports management environment. After the presentations made as a result of one week of intensive work, the winners were announced by the jury members.
After the competition, our students have the opportunity to visit Nike Headquarters in Amsterdam and came together with Cem Karamürsel, Nike EMEA Financial Control Director.
We congratulate Onat Karabıçak, one of the members of the winning group and all of our participating students in the competition.