Program Structure

Marketing Undergraduate Program offers their students a well-organized and unique education based on principles of marketing, while the students gain comprehensive knowledge about marketing concepts and theories and become able to apply these knowledge into marketing strategies and decisions throughout their careers.
In this increasingly competitive global environment, Marketing Undergraduate Program aims to educate and train innovative, competitive, intellectual, marketing managers with proficiency in foreign languages who will gain success in local and global markets. The program offers students, who have a solid background in management and business, a thorough marketing education specializing in topics such as brand management, services marketing, pricing, distribution channels, marketing communications, marketing research and global marketing by allowing them to develop and apply marketing strategies in different sectors.
The program will give students the chance to choose courses according to their varying interests, such as social marketing, sustainability, innovation, digital marketing, social media and database marketing in addition to the courses that cover traditional marketing concepts and theories. Within the first two years of program, students will follow the basic courses of General Business, Management and Economics. This program is differentiated from general Business Administration Program by adding compulsory Sociology and General Psychology courses in the second year. Starting from the third year, the students will be taking compulsory and elective courses from the area of marketing for specialization.
Undergraduate Marketing Program seeks to give students the knowledge necessary to pursue a career in brand management, services marketing, retailing, advertising, sales, marketing communications, global marketing or marketing research companies or embark on their own enterprises. The graduates will also be capable of continuing their education in the graduate level.
İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Business Administration is a member of the "United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME)".