Ayhan Kaya
“CoHERE, H2020, Critical Heritages” Project Partner, coordinated by the Newcastle University, UK (2016-2019).
“FEUTURE, H2020, 2016-2019, The Future of Turkey-EU Relations”, Project Partner, coordinated by the University of Cologne, Germany, (2016-2019).
Lead Academic Coordinator, in the Project “SUPPORTING TURKEY IN DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL HARMONIZATION POLICY: Assessment of Turkey’s Approach and Practices on Harmonization (Integration) from a Comparative Perspective”, PROJECT, International Organization for Migration, 2016.
Lead Academic Coordinator in the Project, “Multi-stakeholder meetings and report on social cohesion between Syrian refugees and host societies (ASCAP II Project)”, PROJECT, ICMPD, Directorate General of Migration Management, January-April 2018.
“RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond,” Project Partner, Horizon 2020 Project, led by Uppsala University, Sweden (2018-2021).
“MATILDE: Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas”, led by EURAC, Bolzano, Italy, Agreement No. 870831, (2020-2023).
Büke Boşnak
Expert researcher and lecturer. “Identity and European Values in the External Borders: Russia and the EU Neighborhood. From the Baltic to the Mediterranean”, the European Commission Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module program, University of Cadiz (Spain) (March 2022-…).
Expert researcher and lecturer in “BILGINormsEU: JM Chair on Norms and EU-Turkey Relations”, the European Commission Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module program, Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey) (March 2022-…)
Emre Erdoğan
Coordinator. RESAID: Creating Societal Cognitive Resilience Against Information Disorders, Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence Program, (2023-2026).
Coordinator. “Study on Determining the Profiles of Neet Youth in Türkiye from the Perspective of Well-being and Policy Making”, TÜBİTAK 2519-COST Working Group Support Program
Researcher. ‘Being a Child in the Era of Crises: Rethinking the Well-being of Children in Türkiye After the Pandemic’. TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 (2023-2025).
Researcher. PLEDGE: Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance, European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program.
Researcher. CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations, European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program, (2023-2025).
Project Coordinator, “"Adressing Security Implications of Climate Change and NATO 2030", NATO; Istanbul Bilgi University-Marmara University (November 2021 –…)
Project Coordinator, “Combatting Information Disorder in Turkey: An Instructor-based Training Program", NATO, Istanbul Bilgi University-Marmara University (May 2021 –…)
Project Coordinator, "Building Disinformation Resilience in Turkey: An Educational Approach", NATO; Istanbul Bilgi University- Marmara University (November 2020 –…)
Research Coordinator, “Fighting Against Infodemics in Turkey”; TUBITAK; Istanbul Bilgi University (May 2020- December 2020).
Research Coordinator, “Understanding the Societal Change: Differences Among Cohorts in Turkey and in the World”. Istanbul Bilgi University (January 2020-May 2022).
Co-coordinator, “Strategies and Tools for Mitigating Polarization in Turkey Project”; GMF-SIDA; Istanbul Bilgi University (March 2020-June 2022).
Project Coordinator, “Overcoming Infodemic During and Beyond COVID-19: Development of an Online Tool”- BST; Istanbul Bilgi University (January 2020-December 2021)
Researcher. Counting Our Losses: Social Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Urban Transformation in Turkey, Queen’s University & İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, British Academy (2018-2019).
Researcher. Understanding the Process of “Othering” in Encounters: Discussing Empathy and Equality with Youth in Turkey (Project Number: 114K573) TÜBİTAK 1001, (november 2014-May 2017)
Hasret Dikici Bilgin
“Countering Oppositional Political Extremism through Attuned Dialogue: Track, Attune, Limit” (OppAttune) (HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01), No. 101095170, Leading Researcher, (2023-2026).
“De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate” (D.Rad) (Horizon 2020), No. 959198, Leading Researcher, (2020-2023).
Strengthening Writing and Publishing Skills on Political Science in Turkey, British Academy, Country Coordinator, (2023-2024).
“Turkey as a Regional Security Actor in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Levant Region”, Project Partner, (2020- 2021).
İsyan, İslam ve Emek: Tunus’ta Demokrasinin İmkânı, BAP Project, Coordinator, (2018- 2020).
South European Governments (SEG) Project, Turkey Coordinator (October 2017- December 2022).
The Varieties of Democracy Project (V-Dem), Country Specialist, (October 2018-…).
Policy Choices in Turkey’s ‘Second Republic Phase’, Co-Coordinator, (October 2018- July 2019).
Ozan Kuyumcuoğlu
Researcher. ‘Geopolitics of Red Sea’, Swedish Research Council.
Özge Onursal Beşgül
Jean Monnet Module Co-Coordinator with Mehmet Ali Tuğtan. Funded by the European Commission. “A ‘Flipped Course’ on EU / FlipEU” Project: 575115 (September 2016 – 2019)
Jean Monnet Chair on Norms and Turkey-EU Relations. Funded by the European Commission Erasmus + Programme. BILGINormsEU / Project: 101047023 (March 2022 – 2025)
Pınar Uyan Semerci
Coordinator. ‘Being a Child in the Era of Crises: Rethinking the Well-being of Children in Türkiye After the Pandemic’. TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 (2023-2025).
Researcher: RESAID: Creating Societal Cognitive Resilience Against Information Disorders, Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence Program, (2023-2026).
Researcher. “Study on Determining the Profiles of Neet Youth in Türkiye from the Perspective of Well-being and Policy Making”, TÜBİTAK 2519-COST Working Group Support Program
Researcher. PLEDGE: Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance, European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program.
Co-coordinator. CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations, European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program, (2023-2025Advisor. Ilo Prevention Of Child Labor In Seasonal Agriculture Project In Turkey (2021).
Researcher. “Overcoming Infodemic During and Beyond COVID-19: Development of an Online Tool”. The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (Dec 2020-Sept 2021).
Researcher. “Focusing on the impact of migration on the local development of rural and mountain region”. MATILDE-EU Horizon 2020 Project(Turkey, WP3-SOCIAL POLICY) (2020-2022).
Researcher. “Rural Neet Youth Network”, COST ACTION CA18213, (2020-…).
Researcher. “Investigating Individuals’ Attitudes towards Misinformation and the Determinants of these Attitudes for an Effective Struggle with Infodemic: The Case of COVID-19” TUBITAK 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Assistance Program, (July- Dec 2020).
Co-Coordinator. “Strategies and Tools for Mitigating Polarization in Turkey Project”, SIDA/German Marshall Fund, (2020-2022).
Researcher. “Understanding the Societal Change: Differences Among Cohorts in Turkey and in the World”, Istanbul Bilgi University (2020).
Researcher. “Volunteering in Turkey”, Istanbul Bilgi University (2019).
Researcher. Counting Our Losses: Social Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Urban Transformation in Turkey, Queen’s University & İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, British Academy (2018-2019).
Coordinator. Understanding the Process of “Othering” in Encounters: Discussing Empathy and Equality with Youth in Turkey (Project Number: 114K573) TÜBİTAK 1001, (november 2014-May 2017)
Tuğçe Erçetin
Researcher. CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations, European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program, (2023-2025).
Researcher. RESAID: Creating Societal Cognitive Resilience Against Information Disorders, Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence Program, (2023-2026).
Researcher. Study on Determining the Profiles of Neet Youth in Türkiye from the Perspective of Well-being and Policy Making, TÜBİTAK 2519-COST Working Group Support Program (2023-2025).
Expert. Impact of Social Media on Elections of Türkiye: Desk Research (Haziran 2023).
Post-doc Researcher. Strategies and Tools for Mitigating Polarization in Turkey Project”, SIDA/German Marshall Fund, (2020-2022).
Project Assistant. Counting Our Losses: Social Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Urban Transformation in Turkey, Queen’s University & İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, British Academy, (2018-2019).
Researcher. Türkiye’de Demokrasi Talebi Raporu: Toplumda Demokrasi Talebi, Denge Denetleme Mekanizmaları Algısı ve Farkındalığı Hakkında Ölçüm, Denge ve Denetleme Ağı & Konda (2020).
Project Assistant. Çerçevelemeyi Anlamak: Türk Siyasetinde Popülizmin Gücü, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi (2017-2018).
Project Assistant. Understanding the Process of “Othering” in Encounters: Discussing Empathy and Equality with Youth in Turkey, TÜBİTAK 1001 (Kasım 2014-Mayıs 2017), Proje No: 114K573.
Researcher. Bir Algı Araştırması: İstanbul Yolculuğunda Suriyeli “Hayalet” Çocuklar, İSTANPOL.
Gökçe Gezer
Researcher. “Türkiye'de Sporun Avrupalılaşması ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Sporun Yeri: Müzakerelerdeki 26. Faslın Türkiye Sigorta Basketbol Erkekler ve Herbalife Nutrition Kadınlar Süper Ligleri Üzerinden Analizi”. TUBITAK 3005 Fund (July 2023-…)
Researcher. Massive Open Online Course On Security Mooc-S Project (NATO-PDD Project) (March-November 2020)
Researcher. BUILDPEACE, Building peacebuilders through integrated formal and non-formal learning approaches, Erasmus+ (September 2016 - September 2019)
Mustafa Gökcan Kösen
Researcher. Distant Neighbors: Exploring Political Narratives and Visual Culture in Turkish-German Relations (DAAD -TUBITAK Joint Project)
Researcher. Massive Open Online Course On Security Mooc-S Project (NATO-PDD Project)
Research Assistant, A’NATO’LIA Security Portal: Turkey and NATO@70 vs.Global Threats Project (NATO-PDD Project)