Program Structure

The program of study in the Department of Sociology can be divided into three groupings of courses. The first group consists of classes focusing on theory and methodology. Here students examine the varying perspectives on society derived from the diverse theoretical perspectives in the field.  In the process they prepare themselves to utilize the various theoretical approaches in Sociology in actually researching and understanding society.

The second group consists of courses focusing on the structure of Turkish society, culture, and social change. The third group is composed of a broad variety of courses focusing on such major areas of study as globalization, gender, politics, religion and urbanization.  

The program in Sociology seeks, in the course of study, to prepare students by bringing together theory and practical lived experience via the use of concrete case studies. With this goal in mind students are encouraged to undertake field research and initiate their own independent projects under the rubric of various courses offered. Research opportunities for interested students are also available via the numerous projects undertaken by the Centre for Sociology and Education in the Department.