Department of Sociology

about department

At the Sociology Department we disassemble to reassemble. We aim to equip our students with multiple, rich, and solid tools with which they can question what schooling and beyond have taught them to take for granted. We adopt a reflexive approach to evaluate our own methods in the quest to achieve these goals. Towards this purpose, we foreground open and ongoing communication between students, alumni, and faculty. We strive for our students to graduate with knowledge but more so with a genuine concern about social justice and a critical eye which they can articulately use to analyze the ordinariness of the everyday.
The curriculum includes rigorous sociology courses in three categories: theory, methodology and specialization courses such as urban sociology or the sociology of gender. The core curriculum also benefits from other departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities whereby we offer courses in political science, philosophy, and history as well as introductory and advanced courses in anthropology. We teach and encourage fieldwork so that our students can creatively merge data with theory. The department is directly connected to university centers and initiatives like SEÇBİR (The Center for Sociology and Education), BİLGİGender and the working group on Historical Sociology, sharing faculty as well as research interests and priorities.