
One of the first disciplines of history, construction currently occupies a significant place due to factors such as constantly developing technology, rapid population increase, and urbanization. These rapid developments that take place will continue as long as the humankind exists. These developments have also affected the discipline of construction and thereby the discipline has needed changes in terms of method, instrument, and quality. This discipline, which attempts to analyze physical problems by using mathematics, has become a field in which using computers has become dominant due to the developments that has taken place in the information technologies.
Construction Technology Associate Degree Program, which is affiliated with İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Construction, has been designed as a program concentrating on the use of computers for the purposes of design, calculation, and simulation, teaching the fundamentals of physics and mathematics, adhering to the essence of construction discipline in core courses so as to prepare the prospective graduates for the sector and competition and giving weight to computer applications in occupational courses. Taking into consideration the primary concerns of construction discipline, the Program aims to raise graduates who serves to society by producing knowledge based on research, who are creative, self-confident, who follows the technological developments closely and implement these developments, who practice their profession in compliance with scientific and ethical rules, and who are equipped with humanitarian values.