Privacy, Technology and Future Conference

How technology affects our individual rights and the future in general?
The conference is organized by BİLGİ Information Technology Law Institute.
Date: November 9, 2018
Time: 8.30-17.00
Place: Grand Pera
08.30-09.00 Registration & Welcome
09.00-09.30 Opening Speeches
Leyla Keser (İstanbul Bilgi University, Information Technology Law Institute)
Faruk Bilir (Chairman of Data Protection Authority Turkey)
09:30-10:05 Keynote Speech: Paul Lambert (Editor/IDPP)
10.05-11.00 Paving the way for Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Moderator: Timur Sırt (Sabah Gazetesi)
Reyhan Çepik (Co-Founder Fırsatbufirsat)
Aytül Erçil (Vispera) (TBC)
11.00-11.15 Case Study I: Value of Data; Economic Impact
Hasan Basri Tosun (Co-Founder, Sensgreen)
11.15-11.35 Coffee Break
11.35-12.35 Security, Transparency and User Controls in the Digital Age
Moderator: Leyla Keser (İstanbul Bilgi University, Information Technology Law Institute)
Eduardo Ustaran (Partner, Hogan Lovells)
Mehmet Bedii Kaya (İstanbul Bilgi University, Information Technology Law Institute)
Murat Lostar (Lostar IT Security)
12.35-13.35 Lunch Break
13.35-14.15 Privacy, Technology and Young Generations
Moderator: Gökhan Karaosmanoğlu
Hüseyin Kerem Aslan
Zeynep Türker
Naz Nagihan Dursun
14.15-14.30 Case Study II: Privacy; Compliance
Mert Can Boyar (Founder, Verilogy)
14.30-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-16.00 Opportunities and Challenges of New Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Data Desserts and Privacy
Moderator: Ussal Şahbaz (EDAM)
Sait Ölmez (Sabancı University)
Berk Kocaman (Blockchain Turkey Platform)
Kenneth Cukier (Data Editor of Economist)
John Verdi (Future of Privacy Forum)
Emmanuel Letouze (Data-Pop Alliance)
16.00-16.30 Award Ceremony for the Research Prize
16.30-16.45 Closing