What is BİLGİ Mentorship Program?

‘Non scholae, sed vitae discimus:’ We should learn for life not for school.

At BİLGİ, you have learned for life. We are now curious about what you learn in life and believe that sharing what you learn will strengthen us further.

We aim to improve the intergenerational communication network and to create a pool for our new alumni and students for their full time and half-time job pursuits or their internships.

Within the scope of BİLGİ Mentorship Program organized by BİLGİ Alumni Affairs Office, an individual who is competent for sharing his/her experiences (mentor) and an individual who would like to gain experience (mentee) are matched. We aim to bring the mentors and mentees together at specified time intervals. The meetings will take place online through the preferred communication channel.

Who is a Mentor?

Mentors could help mentees for their personal growth and prepare them for professional life.

Mentors provide guidance, facilitate transition from school toprofessional life, serves as a role modern, gives advice on different subjects. They provide different perspectives regarding the world, relations or any subject that the mentee is interested in.

Who is a Mentee?

Mentee is a young adult/individual who volunteers to work with experienced people who will be role models to him/her in terms of career and personal development. Mentee realizes his/her goals by playing an active role in the implementation of teachings in development areas during the program.

Who Can Apply?

You can make your application by filling in your BİLGİ Mentor Application Form. Mentor applications will be assessed by taking into account that you are a BİLGİ alumnus with at least three years of work experience.

You can make your application by filling in your BİLGİ Mentee Application Form. Mentee applications can be made by BİLGİ alumni and students.