
In a world in which information can quickly change and be disseminated, as the Faculty of Business at İstanbul Bilgi University, we have endeavored to become one of the pioneering institutions in this area. With a strong faculty made up of more than 90 full-time faculty members, instructors, research assistants and guest lecturers and thousands of alumni that are employed by many respected companies worldwide and in Turkey in the public and private sectors, we have achieved that success.
There are 9 different undergraduate programs in our faculty, 5 of these programs are part of the Business Administration and 4 are part of the Economics departments. There are also graduate and PhD programs available in our business and economics departments. We are the largest faculty at İstanbul Bilgi University. We provide our students with an education that comprises an interdisciplinary, modern and global approach. We are extremely confident of our academic faculty and academic programs. One of our primary goals is to provide our students with a strong professional education and a rich cultural experience. Besides their core curriculum classes, students can choose from elective courses in their own program or from other departments and faculties in line with their areas of interest and can be equipped with a wider perspective. The basis of our educational philosophy is to combine theory and practice and allow for specialization in various fields.