Department of Architecture

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about the department

As BİLGİ Department of Architecture, our foremost aim is to guide our students into becoming architects with architectural design skills with competency in critical thinking and aesthetic judgement, as well as leading them to become modern citizens of the world. In addition, the most important goal of our undergraduate program is to enable our students - both throughout their education life and after they graduate - to articulate and sustain a contemporary and intellectual stance; have an ethical and socially responsible vision of architecture, society, and the environment. It is our mission that they are well informed about history and theory of architecture and critical thinking practices of architecture in addition to different disciplines it is related to, along with skills to acquire such knowledge through academic means. We lead our students to be able to evaluate problems pertaining to space in varying contexts. Our education enables our students to have a strong creative side, encourages them to keep questioning; provides them competencies to read multi-layered contexts, structures, and tectonics of space at different scales, and, asks them to design accordingly.