Induction Program
The TDC Induction program aims to;
- provide a secure, positive, enjoyable, and collaborative learning environment through the sessions,
- highlight the importance of ‘developmental training’ concept,
- highlight the importance of ‘team spirit and collaboration’,
- help the new instructors integrate into the “Bilgi Language Teaching Context”,
- introduce the new instructors the basic components of the school system (e.g. materials, teaching, training, administrative issues, etc.),
- model classroom teaching through sessions designed with the principle of loop input,
- give newly recruited instructors an opportunity to prepare sample lesson plans appropriate for the Bilgi teaching context,
- provide participants with an opportunity to internalize the input offered in the sessions through hands-on and reflective tasks,
- initiate an ongoing developmental training process.
The following procedures apply to the newly recruited instructors;
Attending the Induction Program given by TDC
• Participating in a Lesson Planning Group Project (Initial Training Session)
• Preparing a Lesson Plan (Initial Training Session)
• Having a Feedback Meeting with Teacher Trainers (TTs) (Initial Training Session)
• Revising (if necessary) the Lesson Plan and submitting (Initial Training Session)
• Being enrolled in the Senior Teacher Lesson Observation Process
- Observing a Senior’s Lesson (Formal Lesson Plan is provided)
- Writing a Reflection on the Lesson Observed (to be sent to TDC)
- Having a reflection meeting first with the Senior and then with a TT
- Observing another Senior as Peer Observation (No Formal Lesson Plan is provided)
- Writing a Reflection on the Lesson Observed (to be sent to TDC)
• TDC Observation-To be observed by a TT
• Pre Observation – Observation - Post Observation Meeting (Formal Lesson Plan is needed)
• TDC Observation-To be observed by a second TT (if necessary)
• Peer Observation/Video Observation/Article Readings/Classroom Research etc. (if necessary)
• Getting one-on-one training from the teacher trainers throughout the process listed above (when necessary)