BİLGİ and Sustainability

Sustainability has become an increasingly crucial topic as the damage to natural environment due to human activities has soared in the recent years. The concept of sustainability has been stressed globally in a report prepared by the United Nations Development Programme in 1987. In this report, it has been stated that as the human race pursues its life, it has an obligation to respect the next generations’ right to live.
Today, sustainability means fair, inclusive, and equitable continuation of the planet with its social, economic, and environmental aspects, living beings, natural resources, and all aspects regarding human life. Istanbul Bilgi University adopts this multi-dimensional understanding of sustainability while aiming to contribute to sustainable development. Istanbul Bilgi University Sustainability Policy has been updated in this direction in September 2024.
İstanbul Bilgi University has been supporting United Nations Global Compact since 2009.
- Please click for the "UN Global Compact Report 2010-12".
- Please click for the "UN Global Compact COE Document 2012-14".
- Please click for the "UN Global Compact COE Document 2014-16".
- Please click for the "UN Global Compact COE Document 2016-2018".
- Please click for the "UN Global Compact COE Document 2018-2021".
BILGI Center for Environment, Energy, and Sustainability Studies has been conducting comprehensive work in this field since 2010, in collaboration with all stakeholders, including other universities, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, and the private sector.