Doç. Dr.
Büşra Aktürk
- 2020, Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University
- 2013, M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University
- 2010, B.Sc., Istanbul University & Sakarya University
Verdiği Dersler
- CE 209-Materials Science for Engineers
- CE 207-Materials of Construction
- CE 330- Concrete Technology
- CE 201-Statics
- CE 200-Summer Practice I
- CE 300-Summer Practice II
- CE 491-Senior Design Project I
- CE 492-Senior Design Project II
İlgi Alanları
- Construction materials
- Alkali-activated materials & Geopolymers
- Rheological properties
- Fracture behavior of cementitious materials
- Material characterization
- Concrete durability
Diğer Bilgiler
- Nano selüloz lif katkısının çimento esaslı sistemlerin reolojik ve mekanik özelliklerine etkileri, Yildiz Technical University (YTU) Research Foundation, Project No: FYL-2024-6020, Budget: 49.896 TL, 17.07.2024-Continued. (Researcher)
- Müsilajdan Elde Edilecek Bakteriler ile Kendi Kendini Onaran Nano Kil Katkılı Geopolimer Malzemelerin 3B Baskı Yöntemi ile Üretilebilirliğinin Araştırılması, Yildiz Technical University (YTU) Research Foundation, , Project No: FBA-2024-6056, Budget: 1.134.957 TL, 28.03.2024- Continued. (Researcher)
- Development and Sustainability Analysis of a Circular Filtration System to Reduce PAH Load in Road Runoff, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) COST 2519, Project No: 122Y419, Budget: 1.250.000 TL, 09/2023-Continued. (Researcher)
- Production of Nano silica-added, Sodium Carbonate Activated Reactive MgO/Slag Based Binder Systems: Rheological, Microstructure Properties, Performance and Manufacturability by Digital Technologies, Istanbul Bilgi University, BİLGİ Research Funds, Project No.: 2021.02.007, 08/2022-03/2024. (Coordinator)
- Alkali Activation of Basalt Powder: Fresh-state, Microstructure and Fracture Properties, Istanbul Bilgi University, BİLGİ Research Funds, Project No.: AK85065, 09/2020 – 03/2022. (Coordinator)
- Biologically Improved Rammed-Earth Panels Designed and Fabricated as Precast Building Elements: BIRE-PAN, BİLGİ Research Funds, Research & Development Projects, 11/2020-11/2023. (Researcher)
- Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sodium Carbonate-Activated Magnesium Oxide and Metakaolin Incorporated Slag-Based Mortars, Yildiz Technical University (YTU) Research Foundation, Turkey, Grant ID: FYL-2021-4129, 01/2021 – 02/2022. (Researcher)
- Investigation of Usability of Cappadocian Volcanic Tuff in Historic Masonry Structures through Alkali Activation, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Project, Project No.: 118M321, 11/2018-01/2022. (Scholar)
- Influence of Potential Modifiers on Sodium Carbonate Activated Slag: Early Age Characterization, Microstructural Evolution and Performance, Yildiz Technical University (YTU) Research Foundation, Turkey, Grant ID: DOP-2016-05-01-DOP03, 08/2016-01/2020. (Researcher)
- Investigation of the Behavior of Historic Brick Walls Repaired by Grouting under Loading, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Project, Project No.: 114M256, 2014-2017. (Scholar)
- Influence of Hollow Glass Microsphere Addition in the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Cement Mortars, Yildiz Technical University (YTU) Research Foundation, Turkey, Grant ID: FBA-2017-3059, 2017-2018. (Researcher)
- Özen, Ö. C., Oktay, D., & Akturk, B. (2024). One-part sodium carbonate-activated slag/r-MgO based mixes: Influence of nano-silica incorporation on compressive strength and microstructural development. Construction and Building Materials, 422, 135844.
- Ozata, S., Akturk, B., Akturk, E. (2024). “Material Characterization and Damage Assessment of Byzantine Rock-Cut Monastery: A Case Study of Kiyikoy Hagia Nicholas”, Art-Sanat, 21, pp. 529–563. (Emerging Sources Citation Index). doi: 10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1274271.
- Akturk, B., Gulen, H., Cevher Keskin, B., Yazar, T., Akipek, F., (2023). “Investigating the Possible Bio-stabilization of Rammed Earth Through Microorganisms”, Nano World Journal, doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-005.
- Akturk, B., Ayhan, B.U. (2023). "Alkali-activated basalt powder/slag systems: compressive strength and microstructural characterization",
Materials and Structures, 56, 81 (SCI Expanded Index) - Akturk, B. "Fracture behavior of alkali-activated basalt powder/slag systems reinforced with basalt and hybrid fibers", Mater Struct 56, 46 (2023). (SCI Expanded Index)
- Taj, K., Akturk, B., Ulukaya, S., (2023). “Influence of carbonation curing and nano-silica incorporation on compressive strength and micro-structural development of binary RMC-based systems”, Journal of Building Engineering, 105856. (SCI Expanded Index) doi:
- Akturk, B., Abolfathi, M., Ulukaya, S., Kizilkanat A.B., Hooper, T. J. N., Gu, L., Yang, En-Hua, Unluer, C., (2022). “Hydration Kinetics and Performance of Sodium Carbonate-Activated Slag-Based Systems Containing Reactive MgO and Metakaolin under Carbonation”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 132, 104617. (SCI Index) doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2022.104617.
- Ozata S., Akturk, B., Yuzer N., (2022). “Utilization of Waste Cappadocia Earth as a Natural Pozzolan in Alkali Activation: A Parametric Study”, Construction and Building Materials, 329, 127192. (SCI Expanded Index) doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127192.
- Kabay, N., Kızılkanat, A.B., Akturk, B., Kahraman, Y. (2022). “Lightweight Cement-Based Composites Incorporating Hollow Glass Microspheres: Fresh and Hardened State Properties”, Teknik Dergi, 33(1) (SCI Expanded Index). doi: 10.18400/tekderg.677447.
- Akturk, B., Kızılkanat, A.B., (2020). “Improvement of durability and drying shrinkage of sodium carbonate activated slag through the incorporation of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide”, Construction and Building Materials, 243, pp. 1-15 (SCI Expanded Index) doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118260.
- Akturk, B., Akça, A.H., Kızılkanat, A.B., (2020). “Fracture response of fiber reinforced sodium carbonate activated slag mortars”, Construction and Building Materials, 241, pp. 1-13. (SCI Expanded Index) doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118128.
- Akturk, B., Nayak, S., Das, S., Kizilkanat, A.B., (2019). “Microstructure and strength development of sodium carbonate activated blast furnace slags”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31(11). (SCI Expanded Index) doi:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002944.
- Akturk B., Kizilkanat A.B., Kabay N., (2019). "Effect of calcium hydroxide on fresh state behavior of sodium carbonate activated blast furnace slag pastes", Construction and Building Materials, 212, pp. 388-399. (SCI Expanded Index). doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.03.328.
- Akturk B., Yüzer N., Kabay N., (2016). "Usability of Raw Rice Husk Instead of Polypropylene Fibers in High-Strength Concrete under High Temperature", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 28(1). (SCI Expanded Index) doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001341.
- Abolfathi, M., Ulukaya, S., Akturk, B., (2023). “Effects of Reactive MgO and Metakaolin on Compressive Strength and Chloride Migration Coefficient of Sodium Carbonate Activated Slag Mortars”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences. (Emerging Sources Citation Index).
- Akturk, B., (2022). “Rheological Properties of Sodium Carbonate Activated Slag-Based Mixes: Effects of Fly Ash and Temperature” (in Turkish), Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, (Index Copernicus, Ebsco and Sobiad), March, 13(1), 87-94. doi: 10.24012/dumf.1037766
- Taj, K., Akturk, B., and Ulukaya, S., (2022). “Fresh state properties and compressive strength development of reactive MgO-based systems”, Materials Today: Proceedings, (Scopus, INSPEC, Conference proceedings citation index), 65, 1064-1069, 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.04.143.
- Oktay D., Akturk B., Kabay N., (2014). “Properties of Cement Mortars Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibers”. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 32, 164-175.
- Ertuğrul, O., Özen, Ö.C., Oktay, D., Yazar, T., Akturk, B., 2024. Improvement of Rheological Properties and Printability of Sodium-Carbonate Activated Slag-Based Systems. Digital Concrete 2024 - Supplementary Proceedings.
- Mermerci, F., Akipek, F., Akturk, B., Yazar, T., Gülen, H., Özbek, M. “Biologically Improved Rammed Earth Blocks-BIRE Blocks-as the Keystones of a Contemporary Design and Production System”, 10th International Conference Gain Information from the Traditional Earthen Architecture -Kerpiç’23, 26-28 October 2023, Diyarbakır/Turkey.
- Ozen, O., Oktay, D. Akturk, B. “Effect of Reactive MgO Substitution on Strength Development and Microstructure Properties of Sodium Carbonate Activated Slag-Based Systems”, 15th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September 2023, Cyprus.
- Taj, K., Akturk, B., and Ulukaya, S., “The Impact of Additives and Curing Conditions on the Mechanical Strength and Microstructural Development of MgO-Based Systems”, fib Symposium 2023, Building for the future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient, 5-7 June 2023, Istanbul/Turkey. In book: Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32519-9_27.
- Akgül, H.İ., Akyüncü, V., Akturk, B., “Influence of Nano-Sılıca Incorporatıon on the Settıng and Compressıve Strength of One-Part Sodıum Carbonate-Actıvated Calcıned Dolomıte/Slag Systems”, International Congress on Engineering and Sciences, 18-19 March 2023, Istanbul/Turkey.
- Akturk, B., Gulen, H., Cevher Keskin, B., Yazar, T., Akipek, F., “Investigating the Possible Bio-Stabilization of Rammed Earth Through Microorganisms” 4th International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability, 6-10 March 2023, Rabat, Morocco.
- Miskioglu, R. O., Akipek, F., Akturk, B., Gulen, H., Yazar, T., Ozbek, M., Cevher Keskin, B., “Designing a Sustainable Workflow for the Fabrication of Biologically Improved Rammed Earth Blocks”, 9th International Conference Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development Kerpic’22, 30 June-03 July 2022, Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey.
- Akturk, B., Oktay, D., “Rheological Behavior of Alkali Activated Slag-Based Systems: Effects of Different Mineral Additives”, 9 International Congress on Engineering, Architecture and Design, 14-15-16 May 2022, Istanbul – Zoom Online.
- Akturk, B., Yesiloglu, B., Aktay, D., Bozan, A. B., Miskioglu, O., Gulen, H., Akipek, F., “Effects of Waste Plant Additives on Performance and Physical Characteristics of Rammed Earth”, International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction, March 18-19, 2022, Gustave Eiffel University, France.
- Akipek, F., Yazar, T., Akturk, B., Gulen, H., Özbek, M., Miskioglu, Ö., Yesiloglu, B., “Prototypes of a Design and Fabrication System for Developing Biologically Improved Precast Rammed Earth Blocks” International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction, March 18-19, 2022, Gustave Eiffel University, France.
- Ozata, S., Akturk, B., Yuzer, N., Arun, G., “The Performance of Alkali-Activated Cappadocia Waste Earth as Repair Mortars for On-Site Applications”, International RILEM Workshop Lime based materials for repairing historic structures, RILEM TC 277-LHS, February 2-4, 2022, Thessaloniki/Greece.
- Taj, K., Akturk, B., Ulukaya, S., “Fresh State Properties and Compressive Strength Development of Reactive MgO-Based Systems” International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS 2021), December 15-17, 2021, (Online conference).
- Akturk, B., Kızılkanat, A.B., Kabay, N., Akyüncü, V., “Utilization of Basalt Powder as Geopolymeric Binder”, International Conference on “Cement-Based Materials Tailored for a Sustainable Future (CBMT 2021), May 27-29, 2021 – Istanbul/Turkey.
- Abolfathi, M., Ulukaya, S., Kizilkanat, A.B., Akturk, B., Sodyum Karbonatla Aktive Edilmiş Cüruf Esasli Sistemlerde Bağlayici Türünün ve Isil Kürün Erken Yaş Dayanimina Etkisi”, (in Turkish) 7th International Congress on Engineering, Architecture and Design, May 21-22, 2021, (Online conference).
- Akturk B., Kizilkanat A.B., Kabay N., "Time Dependent Microstructure and Compressive Strength Development of Sodium Carbonate Activated Blast Furnace Slag", 10th International Concrete Congress, Bursa/Turkey, May 2-4, 2019, pp. 51-60.
- Özata Ş., Yüzer N., Ulukaya S., Akturk B., Kizilkanat A.B., "Alkali activation and pozzolanic activity of waste material excavated from rock-cut buildings of Cappadocia ", 10th International Concrete Congress, Bursa/Turkey, May 2-4, 2019, pp. 42-50.
- Oktay D., Akturk B., Kızılkanat A.B., Kabay N., Özkan H., Özkan Ç., (2019). “Mineral ve Kimyasal Katkının Çimento Hamuru Reolojisi ve Dayanım Gelişimine Etkisi”, (in Turkish), 10th International Concrete Congress, Bursa/Turkey, May 2-4, 2019, pp. 495-503.
- Akturk B., Kizilkanat A.B., Kabay N., "Effect of Sodium Hydroxide on Fresh State Properties of Sodium Carbonate Activated Blast Furnace Slag Pastes", 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İzmir/Turkey, September 12-14, 2018, pp. 1-8.
- Aköz F., Yüzer N., Kabay N., Kizilkanat A.B., Akturk B., "A Comparative Study on The Thermo-Physical Properties of Light-Weight, Normal-Weight and High-Strength Concrete", XVII. ERMCO Ready Mixed Concrete Congress (ERMCO 2015), İstanbul/Turkey, June 4-5, 2015, pp. 402-409.
- Akturk B., Kizilkanat A.B., Kabay N., "Properties of alkali-activated mortars with combinations of different starting materials", First International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials, RILEM Proceedings, Clermont-Ferrand/France, June 22-24, 2015, pp. 111-116.
- Akturk B., Yüzer N., Kabay N., "Physical and Thermo-physical Properties of High Strength Concrete Containing Raw Rice Husk after High Temperature Effect", VIII. International Science Conference. International Conference on Structural Engineering (ICSE 2014), Amsterdam/Netherlands, August 7-8, 2014, pp. 365-370.
- Akturk B., Yüzer N., Kabay N., "Behavior of High Strength Concrete with Raw Rice Husk Exposed to High Temperature Effect", Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes. Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, Lisbon/Portugal, June 20-22, 2013, pp. 593-598.
- Akturk B., Yüzer N., Kabay N., "Mechanical Properties and Released Gas Analysis of High Strength Concrete with Polypropylene and Raw Rice Husk under High Temperature Effect", International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2013), Paris/France, November 6-9, 2013, pp. 43-48.
- Ertuğrul O., Özen Ö. C., Oktay D., Akturk B. "Sodyum Karbonatla Aktive Edilmiş Reaktif Mgo/Cüruf Esasli Sistemlerin Reolojik Özellikleri Ve Basinç Dayanimlari" BETON 2023 Hazır Beton Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 08 November 2023, pp.519-529.
- Akturk B., Ulukaya S., Kizilkanat A.B., Yüzer N., "Yüksek Fırın Cürufu Esaslı Harçların Sıva Olarak Tarihi Yapılarda Kulllanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması (Investigation of the Usability of Blast Furnace Slag Based Mortars as Plaster in Historical Buildings)", 6th Conservation and Strengthening of Historic Buildings, Trabzon/Turkey, November 2-4, 2017, pp. 559-568.
- Yuzer N., Kavak Z., Taftaf A., Akturk B., Tüfekçi M.M., "Karayolu Trafik Düzenlemesinde Alternatif Bir Sistem: Araçsayar Akıllı Beton (An Alternative System in Highway Traffic Regulation: Vehicle Counter Smart Concrete)", Ready-Mixed Concrete Congress-Concrete 2017, Istanbul/Turkey, April 13-15, 2017, pp. 55-64.
- Akturk B., Yuzer N., Kabay N., Biricik H., "Ham Pirinç Kabuğunun Yüksek Sıcaklık Etkisine Maruz Betonda Polipropilen Lif Yerine Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması", 9th National Concrete Congress, Antalya/Turkey, April 16-18, 2015, pp. 365-374.
- Yuzer N., Kizilkanat A.B., Akturk B., "Yüksek Sıcaklık Etkisinde Beton Davranışı (Behavior of High Strength Concrete under High Temperature)", Ready-Mixed Concrete Congress-Concrete 2013, İstanbul/Turkey, February 21-23, 2013, pp. 312-336.
- Yüzer, N., Ozata, S., Akturk, B. (2023). “Doğal Puzolan Niteliğindeki Atık Toprak ile Jeopolier Malzeme Üretimi ve Hazırlama Yöntemi”, Turk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, Number: 2021/019771.
- Akturk, B. Oktay, D., Yazar, T. "Sodyum karbonatla aktive edilmiş cüruf esaslı malzemelerin yazdırılabilirliği", 3D Printing Applications in the Construction Sector, Middle East Technical University, 26.04.2024.
- Ümran Akarsu, "Nano selüloz lif katkısının çimento esaslı sistemlerin reolojik ve mekanik özelliklerine etkileri", Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (2024-Continued).
- Onur Ertuğrul, "Sodyum Karbonatla Aktifleştirilmiş Reaktif MgO-Cüruf Bazlı Sistemlerin Reolojik Özelliklerinin ve Dijital Teknolojilerle Üretilebilirliğinin Araştırılması", Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (2022-Continued).
- Ömer Can Özen, "Nano-Silika Katkısının Sodyum Karbonatla Aktive Olan Reaktif MgO/Cüruf Bazlı Sistemlerin Hidrasyon Mekanizması ve Mekanik Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri", Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (2022-2024).
- Khalilullah Taj, “Effects of Various Silica and Calcium Sources on Performance and Microstructure of MgO-Based Systems” Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (2021-2022).
- Mehrnosh Abolfathi, “Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sodium Carbonate-Activated Magnesium Oxide and Metakaolin Incorporated Slag-Based Mortars” (in Turkish), Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering (2020-2021).
- Halil İbrahim Akgül, “Investigation of the Effects of Dolomite Incorporation in Sodium Carbonate Activated Slag-Based Systems” (in Turkish), Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering, (2021-2023).
- Construction and Building Materials
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
- Journal of Building Engineering
- Materials & Structures
- KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- Teknik Dergi
Atıflar h-index i10
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