Prof. Dr.

Hasret Dikici Bilgin

Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler

2021, “Revisiting the Moderation Controversy with Space and Class: The Tunisian Ennahda”, Third World Quarterly, Vol(No): pp-pp. (SSCI). Doi: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1896360

2021, “Revisiting the Moderation Controversy with Space and Class: The Tunisian Ennahda”, Third World Quarterly, Vol(No): pp-pp. (SSCI). Doi: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1896360

2018, "The Obscurities of a Referendum Foretold: What we Know and don't Know about the 2017 Constitutional Amendments in Turkey", Review of Middle East Studies. 52(1):29-42 (E. Erdoğan ile birlikte) (ESCI)


2017, "Westernist Sceptics and anti-Western Reformers in the Turkish Party System", Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. 19(2): 191-208.


2016, "Types of Outcomes in Factional Rivalries: Lessons from Non-democratic Parties in Turkey", International Political Science Review. 37(2): 166-183. (with P. Ayan Musil) (SSCI).


2014, "Model Countries in Political Analysis: Is Turkey a Model for State-Building in the Arab World?", Jean Monnet Occasional Papers No. 10, Institute for European Studies (Malta) (A. Güney ile birlikte) (Working paper).


2011, "Paths to Power: The Making of Cabinet Ministers in Turkey", Parliamentary Affairs. 64(4): 737-762 (S. Sayarı ile birlikte) (SSCI).


2008, "Foreign Policy Orientation of Turkey's Pro-Islamist Parties: A Comparative Study of AKP and REFAH", Turkish Studies. 9(3): 407-421 (SSCI).



De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate (D.Rad) (Horizon 2020), No. 959198, Baş Araştırmacı (2020-2023)

  • 2021, “Deradicalization and Integration Legal and Policy Framework”, D4 Country Report, Horizon 2020 ‘De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate, D.Rad’ (Nr 959198) Project. (with Nazlı Özekici) (
  • 2021, “Trends of Radicalization”, D3.2 Country Report, Horizon 2020 ‘De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate, D.Rad’ (Nr 959198) Project. (with Nazlı Özekici) (
  • 2021, “The Cultural Drivers of Radicalization”, D5.1 Country Report, Horizon 2020 ‘De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate, D.Rad’ (Nr 959198) Project. (with Nazlı Özekici) (
  • 2021, “Stakeholders of (De)Radicalization in Turkey”, D3.1 Country Report, Horizon 2020 ‘De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate, D.Rad’ (Nr 959198) Project. (with Nazlı Özekici) (

    De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate (D.Rad) (Horizon 2020), No. 959198, Baş Araştırmacı (2020-2023)

    Turkey as a Regional Security Actor in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Levant Region (June 24, 2020-December 15, 2020), ülke uzmanı

    2021, “Turkey as a Regional Security Actor in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Levant Region”, Chr. Michelsen Institute Report 2021:2. (with S. Neset, M. Aydın, E. Balta, K.K. Ataç & A. Strand) (

    İsyan, İslam ve Emek: Tunus’ta Demokrasinin İmkânı (BAP Projesi) (Kasım 2018-Nisan 2020), Yürütücü

    • 2021, “Revisiting the Moderation Controversy with Space and Class: The Tunisian Ennahda”, Third World Quarterly, Vol(No): pp-pp. (SSCI). Doi: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1896360

    South European Governments (SEG) Projesi (Ekim 2017-Aralık 2022), Türkiye Koordinatörü

    • “Governing Practices and the Elite Change: The Turkish Case under the AKP Governments”, International Political Science Association (IPSA) XXVI. World Congress, Virtual, July 10-15, 2021 (with G. Kocapınar Yıldırım).

    The Varieties of Democracy Project (V-Dem) (Ekim 2018-…), Ülke Uzmanı

    Policy Choices in Turkey’s ‘Second Republic Phase’ (Ekim 2018-Temmuz 2019), Eş-Koordinatörü

    Strengthening and Integrating Academic Networks (SInAN) under the European Commission’s Programme for Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue (under the EU 7th Framework), İstanbul Koordinatörü, 2009


    2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, Karşılaştırmalı Siyaset: Temel Konular ve Yaklaşımlar, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları (S. Sayarı ile birlikte derleme) (TÜBA-TECEP 2014 Ödülü).

    2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, Karşılaştırmalı Siyaset: Temel Konular ve Yaklaşımlar, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları (S. Sayarı ile birlikte derleme) (TÜBA-TECEP 2014 Ödülü).

    2009, Working Street Children in Turkey and Romania: A Comparative Historical Analysis in the Context of New Poverty, VDM Verlag. (yüksek lisans teziden üretilmiştir)

    2009, Working Street Children in Turkey and Romania: A Comparative Historical Analysis in the Context of New Poverty, VDM Verlag. (yüksek lisans teziden üretilmiştir)

    2007, Soykırımdan Son Kırıma Savaş Hukuku, İstanbul: Detay (çeviri) (Byers, M.; 2005. War Law: Understanding International Law and Armed Conflict. New York: Grove Press)

    2007, Soykırımdan Son Kırıma Savaş Hukuku, İstanbul: Detay (çeviri) (Byers, M.; 2005. War Law: Understanding International Law and Armed Conflict. New York: Grove Press)

    Kitap Bölümleri

    2018, “Social Conflicts and Politicised Cleavages in Turkey”, içinde Party Politics in Turkey: A Comparative Perspective, S. Sayarı, P. Ayan Musil ve Ö. Demirkol (der.). Londra, Nev York: Routledge, ss. 179-195.

    2018, “Social Conflicts and Politicised Cleavages in Turkey”, içinde Party Politics in Turkey: A Comparative Perspective, S. Sayarı, P. Ayan Musil ve Ö. Demirkol (der.). Londra, Nev York: Routledge, ss. 179-195.

    2018, “Turkey’s Ministerial Elites: The Growing Importance of Technical Expertise”, içinde Technocratic Ministers and Political Leadership in European Democracies, Almeida ve A. Costa Pinto (der.). Londra: Palgrave, ss. 235-265 (S. Sayarı ile birlikte).

    2018, “Turkey’s Ministerial Elites: The Growing Importance of Technical Expertise”, içinde Technocratic Ministers and Political Leadership in European Democracies, Almeida ve A. Costa Pinto (der.). Londra: Palgrave, ss. 235-265 (S. Sayarı ile birlikte).

    2012, “Totaliter Rejimler”, içinde Karşılaştırmalı Siyasal Sistemler, E. Kalaycıoğlu ve D. Kağnıcıoğlu (der.). Eskişehir: AÖF, ss. 164-184.

    2012, “Totaliter Rejimler”, içinde Karşılaştırmalı Siyasal Sistemler, E. Kalaycıoğlu ve D. Kağnıcıoğlu (der.). Eskişehir: AÖF, ss. 164-184.

    2009, “Civil Society and State in Turkey: A Gramscian Perspective”, içinde Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance, J. Schwarzmantel ve M. McNally (der.). Londra: Routledge, ss. 107-118.

    2009, “Civil Society and State in Turkey: A Gramscian Perspective”, içinde Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance, J. Schwarzmantel ve M. McNally (der.). Londra: Routledge, ss. 107-118.