Sosyoloji Pazartesi Konuşmaları-8

güncelleme: yayınlama:

"Battlespace Diaspora: How the Kurds of Turkey Revive, Construct and Translate Kurdish Struggle, Suffering and Rebellion in London"

Tarih: 28 Nisan 2014, Pazartesi
Saat: 15.00
Yer: santralistanbul Kampüsü, E1-202A

Konuşmacı: İpek Demir (University of Leicester)

İpek Demir:
Dr Ipek Demir is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Before joining Leicester she taught social sciences at the Universities of Sussex, Cambridge, and Open University. Dr Demir received her BA from Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, University of Ankara. After the completion of her PhD from the University of Sussex, she won an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and held it at the University of Cambridge (Department of History and Philosophy of Science). Her work is focused on the translation of ideas, practices, cultures, ethno-political identity, transnationalism and diaspora studies. Recently she completed an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) fellowship, examining how ethno-political identity is represented and translated by Kurds (of Turkey) in London. She has given numerous invited talks and has over ten peer-reviewed international publications.