2012 Global James McGuire - Business Plan Competition

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The 2012 Global James McGuire Business Plan Competition is an internal Laureate International Universities competition to encourage and motivate students to create businesses through the preparation of business plans.
The contest has two categories: 1) traditional undergraduate 2) graduate/working adult.

All BİLGİ Students from any academic area (i.e. business, hospitality, health, sciences,e tc.) are eligible to compete.

The competition offers the following benefits:

Within the İstanbul Bilgi University:

Each member of the winning undergraduate team will receive partial scholarship for a graduate program at İstanbul Bilgi University (a full scholarship will be distributed evenly among the team members). Also, each member of the graduate/working adult team will be entitled to participate in a BİLGİ Professional and Continuing Education (BİLGİ EĞİTİM) program of their choice.  The winning undergraduate and  graduate BİLGİ teams will represent BİLGİ at the Global Competition.

The Global Competition:

 Up to two representatives of six (three undergraduate and three graduate/working adult finalist teams) will be invited to present their business plans in a panel interview with James McGuire and other entrepreneurs at the 2012  Laureate Leadership Summit in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in June 2012. The winning teams of the two categories (undergraduate and graduate/working adult) will receive low-interest loan of US $50.000 for the company proposed in its business plan. The four other finalist teams will receive a $5000 cash award to be distributed evenly among team members.

Deadline: March 1, 2012

For applications: Tuğçe Erdem / (0212) 311 7761  / terdem@bilgi.edu.tr